How do we improve Zakat Payment Experience on Tokopedia Salam

Annur Syahdyanto
5 min readOct 14, 2020


Ramadan is always a special moment for Indonesians as the event occurs only once a year. Every Ramadan, Tokopedia always presents special campaigns namely Ramadan Extra campaigns providing various attractive promos and innovation. One of the newest Ramadan innovations in Ramadan 2020 was the Zakat Feature. That was the first time Tokopedia included the feature. Unfortunately, due to the late planning, we had only one week to complete the concept to be presented to the executive.

Regarding the implementation of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) considering the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia, we intended to provide a more efficient zakat payment process for Moslems in order to fulfill their zakat obligation. That was a very good moment for us to improve the experience of Zakat Product.


To identify the product problems, we tried to collect data from the Data Analyst and RAD team, and alhamdulillah, we got the following data:

  1. Users did not know the amount of zakat they had to pay since it is based on individual zakat nisab and It was hard for users to find the calculation of zakat obligation.
  2. 95% of new zakat users visiting zakat from popular search did not order zakat. It was estimated that the zakat page did not provide sufficient information and attraction for users to pay zakat.
  3. On the zakat journey, there were too many users dropping/exiting when visiting the zakat partner page (the page where users must choose their zakat distribution partner).

The validated problem from RAD team

  1. Users needed to read “Panduan Berzakat” which did not provide clear instructions regarding how to pay and how much they should pay.
  2. Users feel unsure about the institutions that manage zakat. there’s no clarity for the zakat report (where is their zakat will be distributed)
  3. Current market understanding regarding the obligation and the zakat payment process was low.


Based on the problems above, I created some lists of challenges generating some creative solutions:

  • HMW make users know the amount of their zakat obligations?
  • HMW increase zakat exposure?
  • HMW reduce steps on the Zakat journey?
  • HMW make better user trust on the Tokopedia to pay zakat?
  • HMW make users aware of zakat obligation?

Competitive Analysis

I did the competitive analysis for benchmarking Zakat Product from other platforms.


In a one-week short time, we did not have much time to do a brainstorm and ideation. We had to immediately look for ideas and make sketches, so I took some blank white papers and gave them to engineers, product managers, biz, and other designers to come up with their ideas to answer our challenges above by saying “Hi… I need your time for around 10 minutes to improve our products? I have five challenges that you need to answer, you can draw your Ideas here. These are the background and problems.”

Crazy 8 Result

Unpredictably, the crazy 8 resulting the following ideas:

  1. Creating zakat calculator
  2. Creating zakat widget on Tokopedia Salam page, Tokopedia Homepage, and Tokopedia Play
  3. Removing partner step selection and making it autofill to be “Tokopedia chosen”
  4. Showing distribution zakat report from partner
  5. Showing educative video for increasing zakat obligation awareness and informing the law of zakat online payment?


In the current flow, users had to complete six steps to finish ordering zakat after clicking the entry point.

I did a small research about the offline experience for Zakat payment. The methodology was very simple. I asked five friends about their behavior related to zakat payment and it resulted in the following flow.

Offline flow for pay Zakat

In comparison with the offline flow, we reduced some steps by removing the partner page and making NPWP field optional, so users could finish ordering within four steps only.

Proposal flow

High Fidelity Design


Zakat distribution report

Checkout page

Checkout Page

Usability Testing

I conducted usability testing to 5 people coming from different personas. They were users who never pay zakat online, Tokopedia Zakat users, Non-tech-savvy users, and Millenial users. Below are the testing scenarios given to the testers.

Imagine that you want to fulfill your obligation to pay zakat Maal on Tokopedia.


  1. You don’t know how much amount of zakat maal you have to pay. how do you do it?
    Success: 4,
    Indirect success 1,
    Fail: 0
  2. You already know the nominal of your zakat maal obligation. how do you do it?
    Success: 5
    Fail: 0
  3. After successfully calculating the amount of zakat maal, you want to choose the zakat institution partner for your zakat distribution. how do you do it?
    Success: 5,
    Fail: 0

Product Impact

Throughout February and May 2020, Tokopedia Salam recorded a three-fold increase in zakat collection compared to the previous year. As a result, we received an award entitled “The Best Online Zakat Collection Partner” in the Baznaz Award 2020, from the National Zakat Board of Indonesia (BAZNAS).


When worked with a tight deadline, just took advantage of the data we had. Did quick research like asking friends, looking to the offline experience, and implemented it.



Annur Syahdyanto

Product Designer, UX/UI Coach at Startup Studio Indonesia